Saturday, February 14, 2009

Late Shift

Late Shift is awesome! The raid starts at 9:00pm server time (midnight my time). I was waitlisted but asked to attend at the last minute since some people could not make it.

I had a blast! We mowed through Naxx 10 easily. To me there is nothing better than casually hopping into an instance with a group of friends, blasting the music, having a couple of drinks and having a few good laughs.

Despite all the RL and in-game drama that swirls about, nights like that remind me of why I play this damn game so much. When good people come together to realize a common goal (and have fun at the same time), it's truly marvelous.

Blah Blah sappy stuff, I'm not good at it.

The last rantings about being a good raid leader are in progress. I'll save it for conference call Tuesdays (how else do I not get bored out of my skull?)

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