Last night was the time to complete 10 man EoE. The guild has progressed far enough from a gear and skill perspective. We have all learned how to play together and maximize each player's strengths in a raid. This was proven last night as we took raiding to a higher level on Malygos.
Originally the group was going to have an additional caster. However, an Unholy Death Knight was substituted in which would allow the raid to have all three major Death Knight cooldowns and auras. One of the problems that had held groups back from maximum DPS and survival capacity in the past was too many players with the same buffs/gains that would overwrite each other.
Tank: Paladin (w/ Kings)
Healers: Druid,
Priest (w/ Light Well)
DPS: Warrior ,
Mage (Frostfire),
Warlock (Affliction),
Death Knight (Blood),
Death Knight (Frost),
Death Knight (Unholy)
This was a very balanced group since there would be no overwriting of major buffs. The group was also very durable, which is very important for this run. Any more cloth casters may have presented issues during phase 2. The group was slightly melee heavy, but we were able to kill the scions fast enough in Phase 2 to get the Death Knights more platforms.

Our first attempt was very solid, we missed a few cooldowns & sparks, and still managed to get to Phase 3 with over 2 minutes left. Each attempt, the group communicated more, synchronized their cooldowns a bit better and got on track. By the Fourth try, we got to phase 3 with a couple of dead at the with 3min40sec left. This is perfect. It was tight near the end. Who ever thought I would be screaming at the remaining players on the drakes to put "More DOTs! More DOTs! More DOTs!" well I got a little excited and did say that... Malygos was killed at the enrage.
Congratulations to all the participants! Thanks to those who have attended regularly and put up with multiple wipe fests! For the people who had never seen this fight before, no one would have guessed since you had had watched the videos and came prepared. Great Effort!

Where do we go from here with this run? It's certainly a difficult fight. After leading many unsuccessful (successful for learning though) runs and now completing a successful Malygos kill, I have a good idea of the minimum requirements to complete this instance. I think it can easily be farmed every week as long as group composition is watched closely. Hopefully as many people as possible get the chance to kill Malygos, it is truly an epic event.
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